The story of the wedding dress best article 1

The story of the wedding dress best article 1

The story of the wedding dress best article 1

The story of the wedding dress

It is not only the institution of marriage that has developed throughout history. The wedding dress has undergone real changes. For centuries, the bride did not wear a special dress for the wedding or the day of the ceremony, but only the most beautiful dress she had, whatever the color.

In France, women often wore their regional costumes. If it sounds folkloric, this dress was the Sunday dress for mass and was therefore used in her own wedding ceremony.

Closely linked to the Catholic religion, the white wedding dress did not establish itself as a symbol of purity and chastity for the wealthy classes and noble families until the Renaissance.

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Even though the white princess cut dress continues to be in trend, nowadays women are not subject to the dress code when choosing their wedding attire.

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We have some testimonies of marriage through various historical documents. However, in the most ancient civilizations, if we know that marriage existed, there are very few writings that definitively describe the course of the ceremony.

Therefore, it is not easy to gather information about wedding dresses.

Thanks to the paintings and mosaics, we can make assumptions about the bride-to-be’s outfit. We can find evidence of royal or peasant marriages only from the Middle Ages.


Marriage in ancient Greece may have been an extremely violent act in areas close to Sparta where consent was not necessarily required. Before the ceremony, the man came to kidnap his future wife from her parents’ house and bring her home.

The second saw that his head was shaved and had to wear men’s clothes. There was no party: after disguise, she was taken to the bridal chamber in complete darkness.

In other parts of the country, the bride and groom had the right to hold a ceremony where sacrifices and banquets were given. For this, the bride wears a long dress of white linen, with a veil. The dress can be in 2 ways:

– peplos or Dorian peplos, a large rectangular piece of cloth held at the waist with a belt or a bronze, iron or precious metal needle.

– Ionic chiton, a stretchy and loose dress that emerged with the discovery of linen.

The bride is accompanied by a nympheutria, a person responsible for helping her during the marriage.

The story of the wedding dress


In ancient Rome, marriage was a real contract obliging spouses to mutual obligations. The couple must have celebrated their engagement before the wedding.

The woman receives gifts and has no special clothes. In most cases, the woman passes from the authority of the father, patria potestas, to the authority of her husband. Under the benevolence of Juno, goddess of marriage, most ceremonies are held in June.

The bride’s outfit is highly coded. The day before the wedding, the woman should wear a white tunic, stola with the Hercule nodus Herculeus knot as a “chastity” belt (only the husband can untie the knot on the wedding night).

On her wedding day, she wears a long coat, a palla, and saffron-yellow sandals over her tunic. She wears 6 braids on her head and a crown of orange flowers in her hair.

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How did the wedding dress come about?


In ancient times, Egypt was the place where newlyweds enjoyed the most freedom. Rather than being a contractual and formal act, marriage symbolized a couple’s desire to live together.

The woman was free to choose her future husband without worrying about her family’s opinion. The ceremony was a family celebration, where people followed the bride, who moved to her husband. The couple would say the following words: “I made you my wife. You made me your wife.”

It is clear from the engravings and drawings on the papyrus that the women wore close-fitting, heavily flowing linen dresses or haiki, which are very light and pleated chiffon dresses.

To complete the outfit, the woman wears accessories such as wigs and imposing jewelry such as apron necklaces and heavy bracelets.


Like a ritual, the Gallic wedding is the subject of an unknown ceremony. The Gallic woman wants to be the equivalent of the man. The fact that he holds the power in the couple is according to the importance of his dowry.

If she is more valuable than her husband, she is the woman who runs the couple. Gaul women were armed and did not hesitate to go to war.

The Gallic woman had to wear a long linen or hemp robe. The bride’s dress had to be colorful because these people were very familiar with the dyeing techniques. It can be complemented with bronze jewelry.

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In the Middle Ages, marriage was an act that served to unite families or forge political alliances at the diplomatic level. The bride’s family has to pay a large dowry to celebrate the marriage, which cannot be considered valid without it.

In medieval times, the bride-to-be would not wear a wedding dress specifically dedicated to this D-day, often the woman wore her most beautiful piece at the wedding. Color has no significance or connotation.

IV in 1322. At princely weddings like Charles’s, the woman wore a colorful dress trimmed with white ermine fur, which was a pet in the Middle Ages.

We can see in paintings and tapestries that women mostly wear red dresses. Why this color? This dominance is explained by a technical reason: Root dye is the most durable red dye over time.

In the peasant class, the woman’s dress consisted of several elements: a shirt with underwear, a dress and a top dress. The woman or very young girl with a limited wardrobe (some girls were married at age 12) wore the dress she wore to go to church, not her work clothes.

As an accessory, the woman wore either a pointed headdress with a light veil or a cloth tiara in the form of a crown.

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Marriage is an institution that must meet the absence of several criteria: polygamy, rejection and kinship. However, the combination of these 3 conditions is difficult for a few monarchs or even bishops.

Marriage is a ritual that requires the free consent of the spouses. However, there is still a good way to prevent bourgeois families from withdrawing into themselves and resolving conflicts of a political dimension. Women under 25 and men under 30 had to get permission from their families.

During the reign of François 1er (1515-1547), women wore gold embroidered clothing, furs and gold buttons found in wedding gowns. Under Henry II (1547-1559), dresses were made by tailors using heavy and expensive fabrics.

During the Renaissance, the wedding dress left its mark on the fashion of the time. The medieval train disappeared. Dresses are cut from heavy fabrics, brocades, velvets and often reworked with gold and silver threads.

Women wear the farthingale, a rough canvas skirt that makes it puff up. The title is reserved for people. Elegantes (noble women) wear pearl nets to hold their hair.

During the reign of Henry III (1574-1589), women wore very loose dresses with huge sleeves and imposing collars.

We can see Marguerite de Lorraine wearing a very long 1550s ruffled mixed-neck ivory dress at her wedding ball with the Duc de Joyeuse on September 24, 1581. Catherine de Médicis and Henri III also wear it.

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The wedding dress does not evolve over the centuries. Only women with enough money can wear wedding dresses. It’s not uncommon to get married in a casual outfit to go to work in the field.

During the Absolute Monarchy, women in the palace of the Palace of Versailles followed this trend and were able to marry in beautiful costumes. Marriage is usually the moment of entry into the King’s palace.

Women wear long, light dresses of lace or steam fabric. During a royal wedding, the bride may wear some kind of long cloak to cover her shoulders, blue, the royal emblem. We can see her presence at the wedding of Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy, and Marie-Adelaïde de Savoie on December 7, 1697.

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Empire is a time when marriage is usually an arranged union. Emperor Napoleon was a brilliant strategist in expanding his empire through calculated marriages. The reason is a much more frequent reason for marriage than love.

The wedding dress once again left its mark on the fashion of the period for empire dresses. This type of dress, which is always liked by today’s brides, is a flowing and tight dress that goes under the bust, giving a very feminine look. The imperial dress, usually in white, was born during the Napoleonic era and continues today.

In 1806, Princess Amélie of Bavaria wore an imperial gown with embellishments, balloon sleeves and a crown for her marriage to Prince Eugène de Beauharnais. It looks like a dress by Joséphine de Beauharnais.

In 1810, at the time of her marriage to Prince Jérôme Bonaparte, Princess Frédérique Catherine of Württemberg also wore a white imperial dress with a crown and a long tail.

In 1810, Napoleon remarried the Austrian Marie-Louise to seal the alliance between France and Austria. The empire dress features rich gold patterns. Accessorized with a necklace and a tiara. We can note the recurring presence of a crown to decorate the hairstyle.

When Charlotte-Augusta, Princess of Wales, married Leopold I of Saxe-Coburg in 1816, she wore a more traditional style dress with a veil, reminiscent of today’s princess gowns. Women are gradually abandoning empire dresses for narrower models and wider legs.

During the Restoration period, in the Louis Philippe style (1830-1848), women wore loose clothing in bright colours, decorated with fringe and frills. The crinoline makes the dress look.

The crinoline is a petticoat that consists of a kind of cage made of steel blades and rods to allow the dress to swell. The supports are tied together with horsehair threads, hence the name crinoline. Today, this principle is sometimes used to add volume to a dress.

The year 1840 is a very important date for the history of wedding dresses. The wedding dress is an institution as we know it since then. In the style of current celebrity weddings, the Victoria’s dress has become what we call the “Victoria-inspired dress” today.

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With a wedding with great fanfare, Queen Victoria will have a major influence on future primitive weddings. Her princess-shaped long dress has a tail and was lifted by many bridesmaids.

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Her shoulders are bare and she wears a flower crown in her hair. The dress is richly decorated, which leads to very voluminous dresses and a large number of accessories.

Queen Victoria will continue to wear dresses in a pattern similar to her wedding gown on a daily basis.

Girls from bourgeois families throughout Europe preferred dresses such as the Russian princess Tatiana Alexandrovna Ioussoupova or the Queen and Empress Alexandra of Great Britain in 1863.

The engagement dress of Empress Elisabeth of Wittelsbach, known as Sissi, remains a reference in bridal history. It conforms perfectly to Queen Victoria’s dress standards.

Contrary to many beliefs, this dress did not belong to her wedding, but was an outfit for a big gala in 1865, a legendary hairstyle with stars made of diamonds in her hair.

Here is a copy of Sissi’s wedding dress, stored in the Sisi Museum in Vienna (the original dress is kept in a secret location):

Towards the second half of the 19th century, dresses began to be more restrained, for a less “meringue” effect. Veils, flowers and lace are elements of a dress that wants to look more virginal. Around 1870, the crinoline disappeared in favor of the tailor.

Women are more likely to wear a masculine cut jacket and a long skirt at their wedding. White has definitively entered the institution of marriage.

In 1864, we see an all-white lace wedding dress with natural flowers and a veil, worn by the Countess of Paris, Marie-Isabelle d’Orléans.

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From the 1900s, marriage became a real celebration with its customs and traditions. This ritual has its share of superstitions. Did you know that the tradition of wearing different things (old, borrowed, blue and new) on your wedding day comes from England?


In the Roaring Twenties, women wore long white dresses with embroidery and lace. The cut is loose and wide, with flowing and light materials. Even if it can be décolleté, it remains highly androgynous as the waist is not prominent and is lowered just above the hips.

The richly decorated wedding dress is embellished with graphic patterns with sequins, rhinestones and fancy pearls in the Art Deco trend.

Accessories mark the ceremonial outfit of the 20s. If women wore jewelry, it was the hair accessory that remained characteristic in the 1920s: headbands, tiaras, combs, and veils with added feathers.

Today, the 20s/30s still inspire wedding dress designers for their glamor and neo-romantic fantasies.


During the Second World War, wedding dresses were reduced to the purest minimalism due to the shortage of fabrics. Women usually buy a suit that they can reuse in everyday life. The short dress is therefore popular.

The princess shape was back in the 1950s thanks to fashion designer Christian Dior. The wedding dress continues the lines of nobility with its long and flared shape that reaches up to the feet. The top is a bustier type with a well-marked waist.

The legendary marriage of the 1950s remains Grace Kelly’s marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco, which definitely marked the return of the long white dress. This dress would also greatly inspire Kate Middleton’s.

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The 60s and 70s were marked by both the famous May ’68 and the hippie movement. Some women, in this period of turmoil, marry in trousers to claim their freedom.

With demands for Peace and Love, women are changing the dress code to move towards greater freedom. It is long, so the wedding dress has a flared shape made of lightweight materials such as lace or silk. The accessories are minimalist: a simple flower crown on the hair is enough.

But royal weddings continue to follow the tradition of long princess gowns, such as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 1966.


Today, even if fantasy is allowed, wedding dresses are predominantly white or ecru. Where does the tradition of this color come from historically to ensure the union of marriage?

In many cultures, such as China or Africa, the color white is associated with mourning and death. The origin of the meaning of white is in our Western society and particularly under the influence of the Church.

From the empire, and especially from the end of the 19th century, during the Second World War, where white was the main thing. Even though Mary Stuart I (known as the “1st Mary of Scotland”) was the first to wear a white dress when she married François.

The reason was simple: White was the color of his family, the Dukes of Guise. To learn all about the colors of wedding dresses, see this article on wedding traditions—history- and-traditions-4463.htm .

White is the symbol of purity, chastity and innocence. Even if many women can’t afford a white dress, it is therefore a way for young girls of good families to show off their virtues in broad daylight.

It’s really since 1840 when the white dress became a tradition after Queen Victoria’s marriage. This trend would spread rapidly in wealthy circles and would become an institution in all classes in the 20th century.

Brides wear white today. In fact, this color is unique to them and their bridesmaids.

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France has a rich heritage of regional costumes. From the 1920s, women gradually began to abandon traditional clothing. Those who put this outfit aside in favor of wedding dresses are the top class.

Women in the countryside continue to process their dowry for days for their wedding. Wedding dresses are subject to the addition of lace and embroidery. We can see couples getting married in traditional dress until the 1960s.

The transition is made gradually: the bride’s costume becomes lighter and even whiter for the wedding day.

Today, local clothes are reserved for folk festivals. They are an integral part of the heritage. In certain regions where regional identity is truly evident, costume is a real institution, as in Brittany, the Basque country or Alsace.

All over the world, we can see Asian countries torn between modernity and tradition. Brides therefore wear a white wedding dress and a traditional dress of the country. The same is true for the Maghreb countries. Take a wedding dress world tour to find out.

Which wedding dress for princesses?

Marriage, a political and diplomatic institution, has evolved over the centuries. Marriages in the history of France were alliances that made it possible to annex a kingdom or empire.

Royal weddings were celebrated with great fanfare, and princesses’ wedding dresses were both flamboyant and very valuable in every period.

If it was necessary to be of royal blood to hold a marriage worthy of the rank of princess, most royal marriages in Europe today end in public or in public. They retain all the charm of princely weddings. Women continue to wear the princess wedding dress, which is a dream.

Marriage is a recurring theme in art 7. Actors wear wedding gowns worthy of fairy tales. Sober or skillful, they represent the bride of modern times.

Nowadays, some nostalgic people decide to choose a medieval wedding dress to rewrite history or make it permanent.

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Throughout history, queens have been interchangeable on the throne of France. However, if the latter had changed titles over time (queen of the Franks, queen of France, queen of Navarre, queen of the French or Empress of the French), women had no role in ruling and making political decisions. However, during the regency, when the king was underage, the queen could use her power temporarily.

It is marriage that blesses the woman as a queen. The first of these was the Thuringian Basin under Merovingian rule circa 465. Of course, there is no trace of the first wedding dress.

Queens usually wore their finest dresses when they were married, and most of the clothing was red because the madder plant was a very durable natural pigment and was used by painters.

There are more than 93 queens, and some have several husbands, such as the Duchess Anne of Brittany, whose marriage allowed union between the Duchy of Brittany and the kingdom of France. More on the names of queens and empresses.

Before the princess wedding dress introduced by Queen Victoria at her wedding in 1840, women wore colorful dresses that were the fashion of the period. Marriage was, above all, a contract that came into play in a diplomatic strategy. Many marriages were by proxy, but religious ceremonies were held within a year.

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Such was the case with Maximilian of Austria and Marie de Bourgogne. This last wife was Maximilian I of Habsburg by proxy on April 21, 1477. At the ceremony, which took place on August 19 of the same year, she wore a flamboyant red dress with ermine fur and a hat, which was very fashionable at the time.

During her marriage to Charles VIII, Anne of Brittany wore a blue robe and a cape embroidered with the royal emblem, the fleur-de-lis. Her dress is intended to be a herald and highly symbolic, suggesting that Brittany was indeed an integral part of the Kingdom of France.

A colorful character, the King of the Sun, Louis XIV, was married twice. Philippe IV’s second marriage to Marie-Thérèse of Austria, daughter of Charles Le Brun, “Philippe IV and Marie-Thérèse XIV are represented in a wedding dress with a corset and a large basket that accentuates the neckline and waist.

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Wide basket dress fashion, also called “French dress”, would continue during Marie-Antoinette’s marriage to the Dauphin at Versailles in 1770.

You should know that the basket is a bony petticoat, extra wide (between 2.5 and 6 meters) and flat. However, Marie-Antoinette would prefer less flamboyant and more comfortable dresses with a small basket in the back every day at the Court.

After Queen Victoria’s marriage (more on the history of the wedding dress), all women opt for the white dress, which soon became a standard.

In 1886, Princess Amélie d’Orléans married King Carlos I of Portugal. With a veil, a tail and a long floral dress, the princess is dressed in a dress that would be perfect for a contemporary wedding. Amélie d’Orléans was the last French woman to reign in Europe and become Queen of Portugal.

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The weddings of royal families, which are admired in their countries and observed all over the world, always lead to a great celebration.

Between tradition and modernity, princesses often choose breathtaking dresses with oversized tails. They call on well-known fashion designers to create a dress that is both simple and elegant.


If fashion, movie or small-screen stars stop by the big fashion houses, princesses ask for tailor-made dresses from the most talented designers, following the dress code.

Princesses’ dresses for a sober, religious wedding should be long and without a deep neckline. Most choose in shades of white or cream. The creators offer different dress styles, but the princess model remains a necessity, and it’s a dominant trend, as noted in Marie-Claire magazine.

The selection of designers can be made in a way that highlights the knowledge of national craftsmen.

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In Europe, royal weddings are widely followed by the media and broadcast live on television. Kate Middleton and Prince William’s wedding was watched live by 3 billion people worldwide!

This means that the wedding dress is observed and examined from every angle. Let’s take a look at some weddings that make young girls dream.

In 1960, the British royal family made a mess with an etiquette wedding. Princess Margaret of England married photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones. This rebellious princess will choose a surprisingly simple dress with long sleeves and a voluminous tulle that accentuates her tiara.

In 1997, all eyes were on Spain’s Infanta Cristina, who married a young athlete and handball champion, Inaki Urdangarin, in the Barcelona cathedral.

She prefers a very simple dress designed by designer Lorenzo Caprile, with a bateau neckline and exposed shoulders. The originality of the dress is in the veil embroidered with flowers held by the crown.

Moreover, Infanta’s wedding dress seems to inspire more than one person. Indeed, the latter is very similar to the Uffe Franck ceremonial dress during Mary Donaldson’s marriage to Prince Frederik of Denmark.

In addition to the very voluminous Diana dress with a meringue spirit, princesses often prefer very classic dresses with a pristine look. In 2001, Norway’s Mette Marit sided with a large sobriety team, fully keeping up with the scandal caused by her marriage to Prince Haakon.

Indeed, the latter is the mother of an ordinary little boy with a turbulent past. While the dress has the effect of calming the game, the media has been publishing very violent articles about it.

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If this didn’t necessarily make the headlines in France, in 2008 a young French woman became Princess Marie of Denmark. Marie Cavallier lived a fairy tale by choosing an Italian designed dress by Arasa Morelli.

We love the modern look of the dress, which goes perfectly with a long tail and a diamond tiara, a gift from her mother-in-law.

In France, if the country were still ruled by a king, it would be headed by Jean Carl Pierre Marie d’Orléans, the Dauphin of France. He married the second Philomena de Tornos y Steinhart in 2009.

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The second chose a bolero decorated with colorful embroideries and a blue stone tiara. This dress is reminiscent of Rania’s from Jordan.

In 2010, Prince Nikolaos of Greece took Tatiana as his wife. The gorgeous young woman wears a dress by Venezuelan designer Angel Sanchez.

The lace dress in the form of a bustier harmonizes with the bolero of the same material as well as the veil. Extraordinary, the delicacy of lace does not overload the bride’s appearance.

The last marriage that made a scene in 2013 was the marriage of Caroline of Monaco and Andrea Casiraghi, the son of Tatiana Santo Domingo.

The couple celebrated their union on The Rock, in complete privacy. Tatiana wore an elegant bohemian dress with a simple “crown” in her hair, a crown of flowers.

How can we commemorate Europe’s noble marriages without mentioning Kate Middleton’s? If the Sarah Burton gown for Alexander McQueen traveled the planet, the ceremonial gown for the party was chic and elegant, signed by the same designer.

This satin-coloured dress underlines the Princess of Cambridge’s slim waist with a diamond belt.

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If princesses make women dream, movies are also a source of inspiration for those who want to get married. Legendary films like Gone with the Wind or Gentlemen Prefer Blondes feature heroines like Vivien Leigh and Marylin Monroe in wedding attire.

In Sissi Faces Her Destiny, Romy Schneider plays a very cheerful and lively person who marries Emperor Franz Joseph. The truth is far from what is told: Empress of Austria Elisabeth in Bavaria was a woman who could not stand the pressure of protocol and suffered from anorexia.

In the movie, Sissi’s wedding dress is different from the original. Only the sleeve bustier shape is preserved. The wedding dress in the movie is much less elaborate than that of the Empress, and more in line with the standards of our time.

In addition to the beauty of Claudia Cardinale, the wedding dress of the heroine of the movie The Cheetah is magnificent. Fully 18th century, voluminous and very built, it offers a sensual effect with bare shoulders.

It was French actress Miou-Miou who played a young woman who was about to get married in 1973’s The Adventures of Rabbi Jacob. With an exaggerated headscarf, her outfit resembles that of a Lido dancer. She reminds me of Celine Dion’s marriage to René.

In Four Weddings and a Funeral, Andie MacDowell shines in a dress with a highly detailed bust, long gloves and a light veil. Hugh Grant’s eyes are only on her, but she marries someone else.

Among romantic movies, Romeo + Juliet with Leonardo Dicaprio remains an indispensable classic. Claire Danes represents Juliet in a disturbing wedding dress, it’s simple. She highlights the virginal appearance of Juliet, who is only 16 years old.

In the movie Sex And the City

Fashion addict played by Sarah Jessica Parker rehearses a gorgeous wedding dress. Spicy Carrie Bradshaw getting married in a classic dress is out of the question. A ceremonial gown for designer Vivienne Westwood was a selection of originals and rock.

In 2011, on the poster of Lars von Trier’s intriguing film Melancholia, actress Kirsten Dunst is seen in the water with a wedding dress and a bouquet of lilies of the valley. The cool, strapless wedding dress goes well with the veil. But underwater ceremonial dress takes on a whole new meaning.

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wedding dress world tour

Marriage, which is a deeply rooted institution in societies, is the highest point in the life of a couple who, as its history shows, has to abide by the customs of a country.

While countries adhere to their own values, women are increasingly choosing a stronger westernization for their ceremonial attire. The imposition of the white dress on many continents has had a significant impact.

Depending on geographical regions, women refuse to choose between tradition and modernity by wearing a traditional folk dress and a classic wedding dress or by wearing traditional ceremonial dress that is “Westernized”.

Here is a journey of the most beautiful wedding dresses in 5 continents.


Asia remains the continent most deeply rooted in ancestral traditions regarding marriage. Even though the stigma of the West as modernity is felt more and more, the newlyweds continue to carry on traditions that transcend the ages. Here’s an Asian getaway with different wedding dresses.

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The country where marriage is most prominent is India. The festival, called Thirumanam, can last up to 12 days. The Hindu religion obliges to mark the numerous rituals you can explore here to pay homage to puja, worship.

Very coded, marriage begins before the ceremony. Man and woman separate to celebrate this, each on their part. During mehndi, palms of all women and especially the bride-to-be are painted with henna in very sophisticated circular designs.

Men, on the other hand, come together during Tika to apply red pigment on their foreheads to represent the devotion of the future husband.

On their wedding day, women wear a vermilion red saree, the color of which symbolizes the party. It was richly decorated, often inlaid with gilding. The bride can apply this color between her hair with a powder called sindoor.

Jewelry is an integral part of the outfit and visibly represents the dowry of the bride-to-be. Gold is certainly the most precious metal, but it is also the most popular, thanks to its purifying properties.

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Indian women get their noses pierced and wear a chain in their hair. A perfect wedding jewel, the fox is worn on the scalp and ends with a pendant on the forehead.

The bride also wears two other types of jewelry traditionally reserved for her: the mangalsutra, which is a black pearl necklace, and the payals, which is an anklet. If the bindi is popular, it does not need to be worn by the bride, as her husband must mark her forehead with a poddu, a red dot.

The man has a much more restrained outfit, a traditional white Indian costume, a vetti and a ceremonial hat. Flowers are very important during the party: the bride and groom wear a flower necklace and guests throw petals at the flowers.


Marriage in China is becoming more and more westernized. Women abandon traditional attire for a white dress and a very expensive party. In the Asian continent, it is mostly the Chinese who want to set aside their traditions and copy the weddings of the stars.

However, traditional marriage is part of the Chinese heritage. According to the calendar and Chinese astrology, there are many customs such as getting married on an auspicious day. The bride wears hanfu, a red traditional Han dress that symbolizes the happiness and longevity of the couple.

Hanfu consists of 2 elements: a long skirt with a high waist that reaches below the bust, and a kind of wrap top with very flared sleeves. The bride also wears a headdress on a bun with pins adorned with semi-precious stones such as jade, which represent virtue in China.

The bride and groom’s clothes are often decorated with gold and silver threads. Patterns can be flowers or represent mythical animals such as dragons and phoenixes that represent strength and balance between man and woman. Therefore, the Chinese wedding is full of symbols through various articles of clothing.

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Japanese culture is full of traditions that must be respected. This land of contrasts worships the Shinto religion. The woman wears several white kimonos, called shiromuku, stacked on top of each other. White symbolizes both purity and resilience of character to integrate into her husband’s family.

The most important part of the traditional dress remains the tsuno-kakushi, the bride’s headdress. The second is to hide the antlers of the bride, who might be jealous.

Even if this trend diminishes, the woman can still have a geisha-like make-up, white skin, made of rice powder, and black one-and-a-half make-up eyes. drawn mouth Pale skin and a small mouth are signs of sophistication and grace.


In the country of dormitories, a wedding is a very important celebration for the reunion of 2 families. The highly codified ceremony is classified by UNESCO as an intangible cultural relic.

It lasts for 3 days and 3 nights with songs, dances, rituals and, above all, a big feast with red and white food. The wedding is celebrated in the dormitory, which is a family gift from the husband so that the couple can settle in after the ceremony.

The bride wears a silk dress over the trousers. Fitted, this outfit is red, the emblem of the Asian continent. So majestic, come onHer red veil covers her face completely. Only after successfully jumping over a great fire can one lift the curtain.

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Marriage in Vietnam is highly ritualized. During the man’s marriage proposal, the woman receives a letter from her suitor with numerous gifts. This letter is so precious that he keeps it until he dies.

The bride wears the áo dài, a traditional Vietnamese outfit consisting of two pieces: a waist-length dress with a close-fitting mao neckline, slits in the sides, and loose, flowing silk trousers. If white is a mandatory uniform for students, the bride wears red to match her country’s color code. She wears a crown-shaped hat, she.


The Korean wedding takes place in 6 successive stages, from the celebration to the ancestors, to the wedding night that truly seals the marriage, to the goose ceremony, which should leave a lot as a sign of fertility.

The bride wears a multicolored ceremonial dress of gold embroidered silk called Hollyebok or Hwarot.

This Korean wedding dress has 2 main elements: the chima, a long flared skirt with a very imposing wrap-around shape, and the jeogori, a short jacket with very long flared sleeves.

The bride’s hairstyle is particularly imposing. It forms a very impressive knot on the head called maedeup.

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With ancestral traditions, Africa has changed little in terms of marriage. If clothes are reinterpreted depending on countries, African roots run deep. Western white dress has not really penetrated, unlike the Asian continent, which was gradually affected by a Western wave.


The tradition is particularly important in Maasai culture. The bride must go in a procession, in a very slow rhythm, towards her husband’s village.

A new name is chosen for herself, she. His marriage is valid only when he is received by his mother-in-law at the entrance of his cottage. If polygamy is accepted for a man, it is not permissible for a woman who has to marry only once.

Body adornment is very important in the Masai tribe, which contributes greatly to their ethnic identity.

Therefore, it is natural for women to wear very ostentatious jewelry sets, such as glass bead embroidered clothing and heavy discs of colored beads as necklaces. Very voluminous earrings expand the earlobes. They wear a pearl cap on their nearly shaved hair.

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In countries like Senegal, Ghana or Gabon, African traditional marriage is very popular. The bride wears an African boubou called wolog in Gabon and dagomba in Ghana. This loose cotton garment is unisex.

At the wedding, the woman wears a richly decorated ceremonial bubu made of different fabrics with a patchwork effect, accompanied by an African-style tied turban and some pearl jewellery. It’s very common for a woman’s buff to match a man’s for a perfect fit.

The multicolored boubou inspires many to give a collection an ethnic twist. It comes in the form of a dress. More and more women are opting for a modern version of the boubou, which preserves its ethnic identity thanks to its colorful fabric.

If the Maasai tribe uses the African loincloth in its most traditional sense as a piece of multicolored patterned fabric, they can make magnificent wedding dresses in the form of a wedding dress in many African countries (Niger, Cameroon, Benin, Gambia, Mauritania). a boubou or clothing with more Western cuts.

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Wedding dresses of stars and celebrities

In addition to their professional careers, stars are often subject to disclosure of their personal lives. In the spotlight, a wedding is an event that photographers love to put celebrities on the front pages of folk magazines.

While some can’t help but be eccentric, most of the stars opt for a pretty traditional white dress.

While most celebrity weddings don’t take much longer than cotton or leather weddings, at best wooden weddings, wedding dresses are a source of inspiration when looking for formal wear.

Each celebrity chooses a dress according to her morphology and personality that will be the most beautiful under the glare of the paparazzi on D-Day. In the long history of the wedding dress, let’s focus on the celebrities here before we take the wedding dress world tour.


Royal weddings will be the dream of both little girls and women looking for the perfect dress for their wedding.

Prince William’s public marriage to Kate Middleton went viral. The dress was designed by Sarah Burton, artistic director of British fashion house Alexander McQueen. Acclaimed by fashion critics, the dress combines lace, bodice, train and long veil. In keeping with the spirit of the 1950s, she would be inspired by Grace Kelly’s wedding dress.

The corset of the dress worn by American actress Grace Kelly when she married Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956 is quite similar to Kate Middleton’s. This dress was designed by Helen Rose, the movie costume designer of the production company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

Kate Middleton will have acted more sober than Princess Lady Diana in 1981. Created by David and Elizabeth Emanuel, this silk dress with at least 10,000 pearls has a huge tail, balloon sleeves, and a crown-adorned veil. The designers must have been inspired by the work of Sandro Botticelli and Auguste Renoir for this legendary dress.

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Princess Victoria of Sweden went through many difficulties while imposing her sports coach on the royal family. Still, she celebrated her highly publicized marriage around the world in 2010. She chose a very simple wedding dress with a wide train, created by Pär Engsheden, an elegant, Swedish fashion designer.

It was Charlène Wittstock who, with her best swimmer morphology, was heavily inspired by the dress pattern that had an almost identical headband on the shoulders of the Swedish Victoria. King of Monaco II. At Albert’s wedding, she wore a white satin dress by Italian designer Giorgio Armani.

If princesses are girls who need to follow a dress code, some don’t allow themselves any eccentricity and prefer very smart models like 2002’s Dutch Maxima.

This silk dress, which has a very measured cut, is signed by Valentino. Its originality lies in the scale of the train, the length of which is more than 5 meters.

Are these weddings a dream? Read more about princess wedding dresses.

Be sure to read our Top 5 Tips for Weddings and Honeymoons.


Models also have the opportunity to wear wedding dresses on the runways, which we will see later. But for both the dress and their personality to stand out, they need to be in top shape on the wedding day. They usually have the advantage of being able to afford all kinds of dresses.

At 40, Kate Moss remains one of the most stylish top models on the planet. Despite turbulent times, beauty remains the most important source of inspiration for many brands.

Both rock and bohemian, her wedding dress couldn’t be any different. Light and steamy, controversial designer John Galliano’s dress is both simple and elegant with lots of embellishment.

The sensual mole next to her mouth made her famous. She is part of the generation of legendary models of the 90s such as Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Eva Evangelista, Christy Turlington or Eva Herzigova.

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It seems that the supermodel has a little beach dress instead of a wedding dress. But with a small bouquet in hand, she is glamorous and radiant in a simple outfit without a flashy hairstyle.

Adriana Karembeu, Wonderbra’s former muse, is known for her long, slender, and endless legs.

Her wedding dress is far from a consensus: if some find it divine and majestic, others think it will be wrapped in a quilt. Volume, tulle and veil are the components of the beautiful Slovak dress.


Miss France, who has been ambassador to France for a year, has a popularity that has followed them for a long time. The beauty pageant broke audience records.

Young women travel the world and cross France. Therefore, although they do not have a very large media dimension, it is quite natural that they continue to be a part of the public throughout their marriages after their reign.

Sylvie Tellier, current leader of the committee and Miss France 2002, married in a very elaborate dress designed and imagined by Miss’s stylist Nicolas Fafiotte. This lace-up bodice and lace dress could do a lot with its feathers and oversized hat. However, the result remains sober and harmonious.

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She married him in a very simple dress. She is wearing the petticoat of the beautiful dress, with a veil, low waist, which gives the outfit a slight 20s inspiration. Rare accessories, cuffs bring a touch of glamor to the outfit.

Valérie Bègue is a lucky lady who married swimmer Camille Lacourt. The beautiful Reunion member had a hard time choosing her wedding dress. Why? Why ?

Second, she had tried on so many wedding dresses throughout her career that she couldn’t reflect on a dress for the big day, but she eventually found the dress of her dreams, with a discreet tulle and strapless over an embroidered chignon. .

She wanted to personalize her wedding dress to make it truly unique.

It seems that Valérie Bègue took some inspiration from her friend, 2007 Miss France Rachel Legrain Trapani, who was married to football player Aurélien Capoué. A strapless dress of a similar cut and two Miss France ceremonial dresses wear the same elegance.


Actresses embody a thousand and one characters and dream in the cinema. In fact, they often find the opportunity to get training during their different roles and to wear a wedding dress for the needs of a movie.

You can find the 10 best weddings at the cinema where you can even shed your tears. In real life, they also represent absolute splendor on their wedding day.

We all dreamed it and it made it come true. Megan Fox married Brian Austin Green on the beach of Hawaii, witnessed only by her husband’s 8-year-old son. Barefoot in the sand, Megan Fox opted for an ultra-simple strapless dress with a veil from Armani, with no lace or frills.

Eva Longoria’s marriage to Tony Parker in Paris is in a completely different style. For her official wedding, Chanel chose a pink mini dress, highlighting her slender legs.

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At the church, Eva Longoria broke all barriers in a silk and organza dress by designer Angel Sanchez. The train is at the center of the dress due to its extreme length and metallic embroideries.

Jessica Biel knew her wedding would attract the attention of the tabloids, but she didn’t know they would focus so much on her dress, which sparked controversy.

While some of the mainstream and tabloids interested in getting to know Justin Timberlake are praising the Giambattista Valli Haute Couture dress, others are unfairly awarding her the worst dress of all time. The pink color divided the press a lot, as she did not understand the choice of the bride.

Keira Knightley is an incredibly simple actress. Indeed, the short tulle dress by Rodarte is a very solemn ceremonial dress, worn with a simple vest and a thin flower crown in her hair.

However, what is more appealing to the public press is that Keira Knightlet wore her wedding dress several times in ceremonies after her marriage. I must say it’s not common for a star to recycle her wedding dress.

For her marriage to Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes chose an elegant and solemn gown by Giorgio Armani, despite the presence of pearls, rhinestones, embroidery and delicately restrained feathers. Lightweight and sheer tulle gives the dress a whole new dimension.

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IT girls are the girls who set the tone in terms of fashion and trends. They become the face of big brands from a media activity such as modeling or television. His gaze is deciphered and copied all over the world. The IT girls of the moment are Alexa Chung, Agyness Deyn or Cara Delevigne.

Paris Hilton is a pioneer for the girl child. As a wealthy heiress, she entered the media space thanks to a special type of sex tape video that popped up on the Internet.

The Paris phenomenon was initiated. The beauty is not giving up any eccentricity to get noticed, not even a fake wedding in Las Vegas with a TV presenter to promote a show.

While Nicole Richie was an IT girl, she has grown into a respected stylist in the fashion world like Victoria Bechkam. That is why the choice of dresses is more scrutinized by the press and fashionistas.

Nicole Richie made a sensation in her Marchesa dress. She highlights her delicate silhouette thanks to her huge tulle skirt and blouse with long lace sleeves embroidered with the names of the bride and groom.

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Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kayne West is a passion in the USA. It must be said that there is an epic with many twists and turns between the Palace of Versailles refusal to be a party place and her future husband’s wedding gift to 10 beautiful, to say the least surprising, restaurants. Burger King chain.

This is not the girl’s first marriage. In June 2011, Kim Kardashian married American basketball player Kris Humphries. Supreme is wearing a Vera Wang signature dress and a gorgeous headband that adds an oriental twist to her outfit.


Known for her adventures and eccentricities within the gossip group, Beth Ditto wore a surprisingly dignified ceremonial gown, dressed in a short three-piece suit alongside her husband. Barefoot, she wears a custom-made dress by Jean Paul Gautier and a simple veil.

If Jessica Biel’s dress caused the ink to bleed, Gwen Stephani’s should have freed the crowd, but it didn’t. So special, this dress was designed by John Galliano.

The top of the dress looks very classic with its embroidered veil and strappy bustier. But all the originality lies in the shade of pink, which descends on the lower part of the dress and on the trend. A rock dress that fits the singer’s personality perfectly!

A snow princess dreamed of her wedding. Celine Dion has done just that: the richly decorated wedding dress was created by Steve Gentile. The singer wore a short white fur coat while celebrating her wedding in the middle of winter.

The centerpiece is the Lido dancer style invaluable headpiece with over 2,000 diamonds.

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Despite her commitment to Chanel, Lily Allen married during her pregnancy in a dress by French designer Delphine Manivet. The stylist’s signature is quite recognizable: in the spirit of the 1920s, the dress is loose and made of lace, which brings comfort to the expectant mother. The imposing veil worn over the head reinforces the virgin charm.

In this photo, Mariah Carey looks like her husband is proposing to her while she’s already wearing her dress. Not so: the renewal of marriage vows is a trend among stars whose couples last long. Mariah Carey celebrates her wedding anniversary with Nick Cannon in an ivory satin mermaid dress.

Go to a slideshow of 60 celebrity wedding photos to find even more legendary stars in their wedding outfits.

bridal dress on the catwalk

Women love to be inspired by actresses, singers or top models when choosing their wedding dresses. They see the dresses that celebrities wear and they like to reflect themselves in the same dress. But the stars draw their inspiration directly from fashionistas’ catwalks.

Each wedding dress has a story and meaning in connection with the rest of the collection, as illustrated in this video from AFP Paris Mode asking designers about the size of their wedding dresses.

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The end of the parade was marked by the wedding dress. While some designer dresses may seem wearable during a ceremony, for others, the highlight of the show remains almost a museum piece, such as the rose-covered two-piece swimsuit-like gown that Laetitia Casta wore for Yves Saint Laurent in 1999. Neo-romantic, this type of outfit makes you dream!

That’s why Yves Saint Laurent’s muse, Laetitia Casta, embodied the designer’s bride several times, especially in this flamenco-inspired white wedding dress enhanced with red makeup and accessories.

Lily Cole is a star supermodel in England with her red mane and porcelain skin. She looks like an angel with her translucent dress and “wings” for Christian Dior. The surreal crown gives a magical side to the outfit.

Claudia Schiffer, one of the world’s most famous top models in the 90s, wanted all the great designers to represent their brands. The house of Chanel dressed her in her tweed version of her wedding dress with a bustier and an equally legendary jacket. We love the very stylish bib.

If haute couture bridal gowns seem out of reach, designers sometimes collaborate with ready-to-wear through capsule collections. So Victor & Rolf released a wedding dress for the giant H&M in 2006.

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The most beautiful wedding dress in the world

Victoria Swarovski’s wedding dress was gorgeous. The heiress to the Swarovski empire, a truly luxurious jewelery chain, this woman knew that this dress would draw the media, who voted it the most beautiful in the world, to this wedding worthy of one of the biggest stars. But for what reasons exactly?


This wedding dress befits a princess, it weighed 46 kilograms and had a train 8m long. But best of all, it was the 500,000 shell-encrusted Swarovski crystals that caused a sensation!

The dress was made by 46-year-old designer Michael Cinco, who resides in the United Arab Emirates and has collaborated with many luxury brands.


To enter the church, Victoria had to ask 8 people for help. Watch out for Jimmy Choo pumps, too, where she exudes an uncomfortable comfort she.

Thus , the Swarovski family invested an astronomical sum in this wedding . But nothing is good enough to satisfy Victoria. Close people, like less close, did not hesitate to seize the opportunity to show their enthusiasm.

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This marriage took place in Italy, in the cathedral of San Giusto, or rather, in the lofty bay of Muggia.


After the ceremony, which brought together 250 people, everyone gathered at Portopiccolo for brunch and dinner by the water. An evening of festivities followed: fireworks, cocktails, etc. Victoria must have loved this delicious moment.

They met in 2010 as well, but serious things begin today. Interested in wedding dresses from all over the world? Check out this article on wedding dresses around the world.


If you want to get married after a while, here are the mistakes you should not make to shine like Victoria!

⁃ 100% lace : Indeed, this is used sparingly. We dare to lace, but in a fair measure. Thus, it is put on the collar, back or sleeves. But there is no appearance made entirely of this material.

⁃ (Too) colorful wedding dress : If you want to dress in color, avoid too flashy colors. This breaks tradition a little. Instead, we go for light colors like ivory white or sandblasted, or even pastels for the more adventurous.

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⁃ Dress that is too tight: If you do not have a size 34, a dress that is too tight can easily shrink you and make you look a little cheap. We prefer to choose a little more flashy.

⁃ Dress with too many details: yes, if you have too many details, it will add a quantitative effect to your dress rather than a qualitative one. That’s why we prefer to turn to things that will give the dress a unified look.

⁃ Extreme sexy dress : do you like to feel beautiful? Yes, but not rude! So get out of the low-cut corset look, tight dress and mini skirt.

And finally , accessories should be used correctly , especially if your dress is already full . In fact, they are there to enhance you, not to make you look like a Christmas tree!

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