Best Veneers Turkey Best 3

Best Veneers Turkey Best 3

Best Veneers Turkey Best 3

Best Veneers Turkey Best 3 The global market for dental implants is growing steadily.
None of us would like to be edentulous (or more edentulous), and alternatives to a dental implant (removable dentures or fixed ceramic bridge prostheses) are almost always a secondary choice to implant (unless there are any contraindications for this, of course). ‘end).

A dental implant is always a little scary because it is a surgical operation by making a small hole in the bone to implant a pin (titanium screw) to replace the root. A capsule will be screwed onto the pin to accommodate the crown.
Eventually we will have regained all the functions before the loss of the tooth (or teeth).

Unfortunately, fear of surgery due to possible pain (absolutely painless with local anesthesia) is not the only fear that worries patients. The other is exposure to post-operative complications. But are the fears justified?
Sometimes we get information from friends or acquaintances who have had complications, and so we fear surgery at the risk of something going wrong and rendering it useless. This possibility is very remote indeed. But to reassure users, let’s clarify a bit.

One of the questions we hear from patients is about the possibility of rejection. In fact, almost zero risk.
Titanium, the material used for implants, has exceptional biocompatibility and is precisely why it integrates into the bone without any risk of rejection. Of course, pure titanium with a high degree of safety should be used (less safe is those from China, Eastern Europe, and South America). Titanium is a hypoallergenic material that is well tolerated by our body and integrates with the bone in a process called “osseointegration” in the implant.

Another fear is that the surgery will fail due to the premature loss of the implant. The failure rate is minimal and is almost always due to a lack of osseointegration (ie the bone is not properly attached to the implant). This is usually due to a bacterial infection of the tissues near the implant, or if loading has been done immediately (a technique that allows teeth to be fixed on the day they are placed through computer-assisted or even conventional planning plants). This issue may occur when conditions do not allow instant loading (especially if the bone is very thin). Relying on specialist dentists is always the best choice.

Another fear is bleeding after surgery. This condition is very rare and is not serious in all cases.
If computer-assisted surgery is used, this possibility is even rarer because of the precision achieved with this technique.
There are patients who may be at greater risk due to coagulation problems or the use of anticoagulant medication. In these cases, all necessary precautions will be taken and the patient will be kept under observation for a variable period of time until he/she returns home safely after the operation.

Another advantage of using computer-assisted surgery is that the risk of damage to the lower alveolar nerve is minimized if the posterior jaw is implanted. This risk (albeit low) includes paresthesia in that area (like that part is still under the anesthetic effect). It usually resolves on its own, more serious cases are rare.

Each of these already rare problems becomes even more limited if we rely on skilled doctors, implantologists, with proven experience and the best technology.

However, one of the issues that patients know less (or pay less attention to) is how to behave in the post-operative period. Someone may think they are fine after the implant is done, as if they had a normal tooth.
Not like that! It is important to pay close attention to the hygiene of your dental implant.
Otherwise, inflammation may develop and if left untreated it may even lead to the loss of the implant!

If you experience implant pain or gum irritation, contact your trusted dentist because you may have a bacterial infection called peri-implantitis.

What is peri-implantitis?
Peri-implantitis is a bacterial inflammatory process that develops in the tissues around the implant and can spread to the depths and cause bone resorption if not treated adequately. Unfortunately, in the most severe cases, there is loss of the implant.
This infection may develop a few days after surgery, but can develop at any time after a while.

Causes of peri-implantitis
The main cause of peri-implantitis is poor personal oral hygiene (if it occurs some time after implantation).
If promptly intervened, it may be due to problems with sterilization, sanitation of the environment, sanitation of the patient’s mouth before surgery (especially if the patient has periodontitis or has had periodontitis before, there is also the possibility of bacteria forming). both pathologies multiply, causing complications). Smokers and diabetics are among those most at risk.

How do you recognize titi?
– Difficulty chewing
– Irritation of the gums and bleeding gums
– Presence of pus and bad breath
– Possible swelling
– Pain in dental implant

How to prevent peri-implantitis?
This is the most important point that patients should know.
Checks should be made by your dentist every 6 months (or at least once a year) to check the condition of the implant and proceed to the required professional cleaning. In addition to the mechanical removal of bacterial plaque, in some cases, the targeted use of preparations with an antibacterial effect is also used.

Personal oral hygiene plays a fundamental role in the health of the oral cavity and in the long-term maintenance of dental implants.

If the peri-implantitis is already in the advanced stage, this approach may not be sufficient. In these cases, we will continue with the surgical treatment that best suits the patient’s needs. What role can mouthwashes play in your oral care program?
We find various types of mouthwash in the market, especially on supermarket shelves. Mouthwashes to prevent tooth decay, anti-inflammatory mouthwashes, mouthwashes for breath, canker sores, gingivitis, etc. We find mouthwashes.

Most dentists and oral hygienists consider mouthwashes an “extra” to their normal daily oral hygiene management. It is not a necessary and indispensable application under normal conditions. Brushing and flossing will suffice. First of all, it should never replace your usual oral hygiene habits.

The use of mouthwashes may be helpful in some cases, but it is always advisable to ask your dentist which one and how to use it. This is because mouthwashes are of different types.

In general, there are two broad categories of mouthwashes:

Mouthwashes for inflammatory problems in the gums
Mouthwashes for oral hygiene

Anti-inflammatory mouthwashes are based on active ingredients for the treatment of inflammatory and painful conditions. They can be bought at the pharmacy, you do not need a prescription, but it is highly recommended that you follow your dentist (or pharmacist’s) instructions. They are prescribed for a limited period of time for various inflammatory or painful conditions, such as after tooth extraction.

On the other hand, mouthwashes used for oral hygiene can also be found in supermarkets and should not be considered as medicine, but in this case, your dentist can recommend the right one according to your problems. These include antiseptic, anti-plaque and anti-tartar products, as well as products for the prevention of cavities.

Antiseptic mouthwashes (based on chlorhexidine) have high disinfectant properties and are mainly used to prevent infections in the oral cavity after dental surgery (perhaps when it is not possible to use a toothbrush in the days following surgery). Treatment of gingivitis and inflammation. They are also useful in combating bad breath as they reduce the microbial load in the mouth.
It should be used especially for a short time because when used for a long time, it can leave stains on the teeth and change the perception of taste.

Cetylpyridinium, delmopinol, eucalyptol, menthol etc. mouthwashes containing antiseptics such as I act by destroying the bacteria in the biofilm (bacterial plaque), preventing the production of tartar. They can be used daily in addition to normal oral hygiene (brushing with toothpaste, flossing and brushing between teeth).

Mouthwashes containing fluorinated compounds that have a caries preventive effect. It has now been established that fluoride can help prevent tooth decay, but care must be taken with the percentage of fluoride ingested each day (through water, food, toothpaste, etc.), as an overdose can be harmful. This type of mouthwash can be particularly helpful when it is not possible to brush the teeth for various reasons, for example after a dental surgery, or for people who produce little saliva. It is best to avoid these mouthwashes to prevent excessive fluoride intake in young children.

Alcoholic mouthwashes. Today, there are mouthwashes that contain alcohol. As for the latter, the issue is controversial. There are even reports suggesting an increased risk of oral cancer. A recent scientific review states that this has not been proven. Others claim that these mouthwashes can lead to mucous membrane lesions, burning sensation, pain and tissue dehydration in the long term. In any case, it is better to avoid giving it to children, and it is generally recommended to use non-alcoholic mouthwashes. People who have to undergo anesthesia at the dentist often experience anxiety and worry. Unfortunately, anesthesia is indispensable in many dental treatments. This drug, which has been in existence for over 100 years, shows that the first anesthetic (ether) treatment was done in 1846.
In the more distant past, systems such as opium, ice packs, marijuana, and alcohol (as seen in some movies) were used. ).

So, what are the types of anesthesia used in dentistry today?

It is assumed that it depends on various factors such as physical condition and general health.

There are three main types of anesthesia:
1) local
2) General
3) Sedative

1) Local anesthesia
Most local anesthetics act quickly (within 10 minutes) and last 30 to 60 minutes. Sometimes a vasopressor such as adrenaline is added to the anesthesia to increase the strength of the anesthesia and prevent the effects of the anesthesia from spreading to other parts of the body.
There are different types of local anesthesia.
– Local anesthesia with infiltration. The drug is injected into the tissue near the treated tooth.
– Troncular local anesthesia is used to desensitize larger areas in interventions such as wisdom teeth extraction. Intraligamentous local
anesthesia. In this case, the anesthetic is injected into the periodontal ligament area and near the alveolar bone with increasing pressure.
– Local intrapulpal anesthesia acting on the pulp, as the word itself suggests, where a higher level of analgesic is required.
– Superficial or topical local anesthesia by applying analgesic gel or spray to the area to be treated. This anesthesia is used in milder and short-term cases.

In local sedation, the patient usually remains conscious and may respond to commands semiconsciously or barely consciously, depending on the sedative intensity.

2) General anesthesia General anesthesia in dentistry
it is used only in the case of complex and invasive surgical interventions that span a certain period of time. An example is maxillofacial surgery. In case of general anesthesia, the presence of an anesthesiologist and everything needed in case of complications are necessary.

In anesthesia treatments (especially general anesthesia), you need to be very careful with the type of patients being treated. The elderly with general health problems, children and adults with special needs, pregnant women, patients with liver, kidney, lung or heart diseases (the drug may take longer to leave the body and have a stronger effect), certain neurological conditions (stroke, alzheimer’s, parkinson), hiatal hernia, acid reflux, mouth infections or open sores, allergies, severe nausea and vomiting with anesthetics, use of sedatives, etc. The use of various types of anesthesia in these situations should be considered with great care and the anesthetist will adjust the dose if necessary.

3) Conscious sedation

Conscious sedation is to have the patient breathe nitrous oxide through a mask (or even intravenously).

Conscious sedation may be appropriate in non-short-term treatments, especially when the treatment of anxious and difficult patients is required, because it provides a state of peace and tranquility as well as eliminating the perception of pain. Sometimes we do not exclude the subsequent application of local anesthesia.

When nitrous oxide is inhaled through a nasal mask, the patient will be able to respond to external stimuli in a semiconscious state. You will be able to respond to the dentist while completely relaxed. At the end of the treatment, pure oxygen will be given to the patient to quickly eliminate the effect of nitrous oxide. Typical people who can benefit from this sedation are: children, dental phobias, people with disabilities, the elderly, people with hypertension.
Conscious sedation should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy and in those taking antidepressants. Data from 276,000 New Zealand children were analyzed. The average age was four years.
Although many countries do not allow the addition of fluoride (artificial fluoridation) to drinking water, this method has been used in some studies in the past.

In the study, some of these children (in some parts of New Zealand) were artificially fluoridated in drinking water, thus increasing their normal daily fluoride intake.
Comparing data from children whose water was treated with fluoride, they were found to be less likely to develop serious cavities.

On the other hand, fluoride consumption should not be exaggerated, especially in children. Excess fluoride (over 4mg per day) can have harmful effects on the body by interfering with the activity of various enzymes. It adversely affects the nervous system, the metabolism of some vitamins, the stiffness of the joints and the abnormal hardening of the bones, can cause growth retardation, etc. why could it be. In addition, the risk of fluorosis, which causes aesthetic deterioration in the teeth, may increase with the discoloration of the tooth enamel in children. In this case, the teeth appear discolored, pitted and stained.

In children (up to 6 years of age) it is generally indicated to remain below 1000 ppm per day.
However, it should not be forgotten that fluoride, which is praised for its effective positivity because it strengthens the teeth by protecting them from caries, is not only found in toothpastes (except some toothpastes, including natural and organic ones), but also in many foods. and especially in purchased mineral waters (including drinking tap water).

So if you want to stay below the daily dose of fluoride (beyond that, it can lead to health risks) you need to take this into account. In summary, fluoride is great for your teeth, but don’t overdo it.

Many of us are in the supermarket.

We consume mineral waters in the region, but we do not pay much attention to the amount of fluoride in them. We report the fluorine content of major mineral waters for informational purposes.

The fluorine content in some mineral waters is expressed in mg/l fluorine ions.
Many of us may not be aware that it is not enough to brush your teeth correctly three times a day to ensure proper oral hygiene, and that it is very important to clean your toothbrush thoroughly. This aspect is often overlooked. Toothbrush can actually be a dangerous tool for bacteria if not cleaned and stored properly. The hygienic integrity of the toothbrush is even more important in this period of coronavirus.

What are the basic rules for proper cleaning and maintenance?
First of all, remember to always wash your hands with soap and water before touching your toothbrush.
After rinsing to remove food or toothpaste residue, the toothbrush needs to be placed in an upright position to allow the water to run down the bristles and thus prevent bacteria from nesting between the drops. It’s important to let it air dry, as the microbes that can hide on it are mostly anaerobic and die on contact with oxygen.
If we are traveling, we check that the toothbrush is dry before putting it back in its protective cover. We also avoid keeping different toothbrushes in contact with each other in the same glass, as this facilitates the exchange of bacteria (how often do we pay attention to this?). The container should also be washed once a week with water and detergent.

What to do for a more thorough cleaning?
For safe disinfection of the toothbrush, we can use an alcohol, menthol and eucalyptus-based mouthwash or soak it in a glass of water containing two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate.

When should the toothbrush be changed?
You should replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or when you notice that the bristles are getting dull or frayed.
It can easily be guessed that this is a wrong question. There is no better toothpaste. There is the best toothpaste for each individual’s specific needs.

In the wide range of toothpastes available on the market, the main types can be identified:
1) anti-cavities fluoride toothpastes
2) desensitizing toothpastes
3) whitening toothpastes
4) toothpastes for periodontitis
5) toothpastes for fresh breath
6) anti-tartar toothpastes and anti-plaque

1) Fluoride anti-cavities toothpastes
These are the most commonly used toothpastes, but above all, they are indicated if you are someone who is easily exposed to caries events, as fluorine is an element that can prevent the development of caries. The presence of fluoride between 1000 and 1500 ppm in toothpastes is beneficial in preventing dental caries. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and makes it more resistant to flaking caused by plaque acids. Naturally, the use of toothpaste is linked to good oral hygiene (brushing your teeth properly at least twice a day) and does not replace the routine check-ups your dentist does to clean your teeth once or twice a year.
But beware of children up to 6 years old. In this case, it is recommended to choose a toothpaste containing a low dose of fluoride (not exceeding 500-600 ppm) because there is a risk that excessive fluoride may cause health problems if swallowed.

2) Desensitizing toothpastes
For those suffering from tooth sensitivity, there are toothpastes that contain ingredients that help counteract tooth sensitivity, such as potassium nitrate, zinc citrate, or strontium chloride.
Sensitivity usually occurs when the tissues that protect the root of the teeth break down, causing discomfort or pain from consuming hot and cold foods. Using a suitable toothpaste can help, but if the problem persists, it is recommended that you go to the dentist for a proper checkup and see if any other treatments are necessary in addition to the toothpaste.

3) Whitening toothpastes
There are many whitening toothpastes on the market.
They are generally not recommended by dentists as improper use associated with the extreme abrasive aggressiveness of some of these toothpastes can damage tooth enamel. Ideally,
It is always a good idea to consult your dentist to perform a professional teeth whitening procedure, but these toothpastes are increasingly used and have the power to remove smoke, coffee, wine and other substance stains from teeth.

4) Toothpastes for periodontitis
Advertising plagues us with bleeding gums every day. These ads more or less insistently wrote, “If you have bleeding, you may have periodontitis, use our toothpaste”. You may eat a sandwich while looking at them and feel suffocated, but actually these toothpastes containing fluoride and antiseptic agents (chlorhexidine) help fight bacteria in the mouth. They are toothpastes that are beneficial for gum problems, but only for short periods of time as directed by your dentist.

should be done.

5) Toothpastes for fresh breath
There are toothpastes that help fresh breath and pleasant smell. They are refreshing toothpastes with natural and/or herbal ingredients (especially medicinal plants). However, it should be remembered that they do not fight chronic bad breath, for which you need to go to the dentist to investigate the cause, they can only mask it.

6) Anti-tartar and anti-plaque toothpastes
There are anti-tartar and anti-plaque toothpastes on the market.
The plaque that accumulates on the teeth soon enters the calcification process and turns into tartar (mineral deposits), a hard and durable material. Over time, this can lead to oral cavity diseases such as gingivitis, tooth decay and periodontitis. That’s why it’s important to intervene, not just because it’s annoying, but to keep your mouth healthy. Therefore, you should consult your dentist for tartar cleaning. The frequency is not standard and varies from person to person. Your dentist will give you the best advice. There are toothpastes that can help prevent and prevent tartar development.
The characteristic components of these toothpastes are pyrophosphates, which prevent the precipitation of calcium salts. The joint action between pyrophosphate and calcium salt has proven even more beneficial in preventing plaque calcification.

From what has been written it turns out that in any case, with any dental problem, no toothpaste can replace the intervention of the dentist, but it is certainly useful at the stage of prevention and contrast.
No one but our dentist can recommend the most suitable toothpaste for our needs, so even when choosing a toothpaste, it is always good to seek support from our trusted dentist. Sometimes muscle pain is linked to the delicate balance between the chewing organ, neck and back. It may sound strange, but the correct position of the jaw depends on this dynamic muscle balance between the chewing muscles, neck muscles and back muscles and may vary according to the pathology of the teeth and body posture. Misplaced or missing teeth interfere with correct repositioning of the jaw, driven by the postural muscles of chewing.

For this reason, restoration of normal chewing function should be ensured through chewing analysis and it is recommended to correct all errors such as missing teeth, tooth rotation, orthodontic anomalies, poorly packaged dentures, if necessary. .
After this correction, tooth contact can be restored by improving the balance of the head, neck and back muscles. This correction is called the THERAPEUTIC POSITION of the occlusion.


On the other hand, if there was a dynamic imbalance in the jaw, all myofascial chains starting from the neck and descending to the body would be informed and distant contractions would be created in the cervical hinge and pelvis (back pain) regions. , arms and legs.
The whole body combines with these elastic muscles starting from the neck and completely enveloping it, allowing global movement, but at the same time, by transferring all errors and adaptations starting from the teeth to the cervical muscles, the chewing imbalance will then turn into a palpitation. new body imbalance.

Having healthy and white teeth is the desire of every patient who applies to the dental clinic. But most of the time when you go to the dentist, it’s because there are some problems you need to solve, not prevent. Instead, it is important to take care of your mouth, even if it is healthy, by adopting the right habits. The most common pathologies of the oral cavity (caries and periodontal diseases) can actually be prevented by taking small but indispensable measures. Let’s learn 5 simple tips to keep your mouth healthy in this article.


1. Daily dental hygiene
Discounted but not completely. The first and basic care action for your teeth is daily oral hygiene. Teeth should be cleaned every time a meal is eaten and in any case at least twice a day. This applies from the first years of life. Starting the right oral hygiene education right away reduces the risk of tooth and gum problems as you grow up.

Toothbrush and toothpaste are your first allies against tooth decay. If you are using a conventional toothbrush, remember to brush with the so-called roller technique, that is, by turning the toothbrush at an angle of 45° relative to the teeth. Also, make sure to change it at least 3-4 times a year. To find out if you are brushing your teeth properly, you can use plaque-removing tablets: tablets based on a natural (non-toxic) dye that dissolves in the mouth after cleaning, highlighting areas with bacterial residues that fail. it is necessary to remove by brushing and return.

Even interdental tools (brush and floss) need to be used consistently to remove plaque lurking between teeth, especially between molars and premolars.


2. Proper and healthy nutrition for healthy white patients
If a healthy and balanced diet is continued for the health of our teeth, daily

The effectiveness of oral hygiene becomes even more effective. This habit also begins in childhood: For example, you should avoid accustoming your children to very sweet tastes such as juices, candies, syrups, sugary drinks in bottles or pacifiers. The “baby bottle tooth decay” caused by these wrong habits affects one out of every ten children. The situation for school-aged children is also alarming: 12-year-old boys have an average of six decayed teeth, according to WHO data. According to the national dental association in Italy, 73 out of 100 children examined have at least one caries.

“Also read: Baby tooth decay: How to act if it happens to your children”

Sweet snacks between meals should be avoided as much as possible at any age, especially if you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth afterwards. This is because snacks and snacks contain large amounts of simple carbohydrates, which are among the first to be responsible for the proliferation of tooth decay-causing bacteria.

A good eating habit to keep your teeth healthy and white is to consume at least five servings of raw vegetables a day. A proper diet should also contain calcium, which eliminates tooth fragility, vitamins C and D, which facilitates the assimilation of calcium, and antioxidants and whole foods, which are allies of dental health.

You may also be interested in: “Foods that are good for your teeth: what are they?”.


3. Avoid or limit substances harmful to your teeth
While there are “good foods” for oral health on the one hand, it is recommended to avoid or limit the consumption of certain foods and beverages in order to have healthy white teeth on the other. In this list we find:

because alcohol inhibits saliva secretion, which is essential for keeping the mouth and teeth clean;
carbonated drinks are due to their high acid content, which damages tooth enamel rather than the sugar they contain;
tea and coffee, because they stain and erode enamel;
All foods high in starch, such as french fries in bags and bread, pasta and rice in general, because starch feeds plaque bacteria.
And then, of course, tobacco. Cigarette smoke stains and turns teeth yellow, and is also very harmful to gum health. In fact, nicotine has a vasoconstrictive effect on the periodontium, meaning it reduces the oxygen and blood supply to the gingival tissues, thus making it more prone to infections.


4. Fluoride intake
Fluoride is a strategic mineral in the prevention of dental caries because it makes tooth enamel more resistant to bacterial action. In fact, a low but steady intake of fluoride helps remineralize enamel. Keeping the enamel healthy and strong is a necessary condition to reduce the aggressive effect of bacteria.

Fluoride is naturally found in different amounts in drinking water depending on geographic location, but the most recommended way to get it is topically, i.e. using fluoride-based toothpastes and mouthwashes.

For people who are particularly deficient in this mineral and are more at risk of caries, such as children, the dentist may consider the integration of fluoride with a method called fluoride prophylaxis. Dosage and intake methods are indicated by the dentist, as incorrect fluoride intake can harm the body.


5. Regular check-ups with the dentist for healthy white teeth
Finally , it is good practice to make regular visits to the dentist and hygienist . On the one hand, since it is important to prevent the development of caries or other pathologies with periodic professional hygiene sessions; On the other hand, it is to follow the health status of the mouth and to intervene immediately in case of pathological processes that may degenerate and spread to other organs if not diagnosed and treated on time.

Prevention means taking care of your mouth, even if you don’t have a specific condition or have the perception that your teeth are in excellent health. It is recommended to undergo professional hygiene and clinical control at least twice a year. Depending on your periodontal clinical picture, the dentist or hygienist will recommend a regular check-up schedule.
Topical fluoride prophylaxis is a very useful procedure for protecting teeth and preventing the most common dental problems such as cavities. So what exactly is topical fluoroprophylaxis and why is it so important? Let’s learn together.

What is topical fluoroprophylaxis and for whom is it recommended?
Topical fluoride prophylaxis is a preventive dental procedure that involves applying fluoride directly to the tooth surface. Fluoride is a natural element that plays a vital role in the prevention of dental caries. This technique aims to strengthen the tooth enamel, to make the teeth more resistant to the effects of acids produced by the bacteria in the mouth, and thus to prevent the formation of caries. Topical fluoroprophylaxis is particularly recommended in the following situations:

Growth of permanent teeth in children

In the early stages, because fluoride helps mineralize and strengthen tooth enamel and provides permanent protection against cavities throughout their lives;
adults at high risk of caries;
people who have undergone special dental treatments that can temporarily weaken tooth enamel, such as teeth whitening or orthodontic treatments;
Patients with low saliva production, which plays a natural protective role for teeth.
The debate regarding the relationship between the efficacy and safety of fluoride prophylaxis when compared with developmental patients remains open: although there is no doubt about the caries protective effect of fluoride and the Ministry of Health guidelines are comprehensive, in many cases uptake can be dispensed with. That’s why it’s always good to ask the opinion of your trusted dentist.

Benefits of topical fluoroprophylaxis
Topical application of fluoride has numerous benefits and contributes decisively to keeping the oral cavity healthy:

prevents cavities
Because fluoride has remineralizing properties, it can repair the initial stages of early tooth damage and prevent the progression of lesions.
strengthens the enamel
Reduces tooth sensitivity thanks to fluoride, which helps to form a protective layer on the outermost layers of the teeth
How is the procedure done?
Topical fluoroprophylaxis is a simple and quick dental treatment that we can summarize in six steps.

Preparation: Before you begin, your dentist or oral hygienist may perform a professional cleaning of your teeth to remove plaque and tartar so that the fluoride can better adhere to the tooth surface.
Fluoride Product Selection: There are several options for fluoride products, including gels, varnishes or lacquers. The professional will select the product that best suits the patient and their specific needs.
Isolation of teeth: In some cases, especially when applying fluoride varnishes or lacquers, teeth can be isolated using a cotton swab or rubber cover. This helps keep the teeth dry and makes it easier for the product to stick.
Application: The fluoride product is applied to the tooth surface using a brush or a special single-dose vial.
Effect duration: May vary depending on the product used; It is usually left in place for a few minutes to allow the fluoride to penetrate the tooth enamel.
Rinsing: After the exposure period, the patient may be asked to rinse his mouth to remove excess fluoride product. It is known that smoking damages the aesthetics of the smile, causing stains and yellowing, but why is smoking harmful to teeth? A question many smokers ask themselves who find themselves dealing with dental issues that are not purely of an aesthetic nature.

The answer to this question depends deeply on the chemistry of tobacco and how it interacts with the delicate ecosystem of our oral cavity. Let’s try to see how.

The most harmful tobacco substances to the teeth
Tobacco contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, many of which can cause serious damage to the teeth and the oral cavity in general. Of these, nicotine and tar are the most harmful.

Nicotine not only causes teeth to discolor, giving them a yellowish or brown color, but also contributes to gum disease. This is because nicotine reduces blood flow to the gums and limits the supply of oxygen and nutrients necessary for their health. This condition, called vasoconstriction, facilitates the accumulation of bacterial plaque, increasing the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Tar, a sticky residue formed by burning tobacco, is another culprit of tooth damage caused by smoking. Tar adheres to tooth enamel, causing stains and discoloration. In addition, tar can accumulate in the folds and ridges of your gums, creating an ideal environment for bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

In addition to nicotine and tar, tobacco smoke also contains poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide, which deprives the blood of the oxygen needed to maintain healthy tissue, and ammonia, which accelerates the absorption of nicotine, increasing its harmful effects.

Smoking also alters the balance of the oral microbiome, causing pathogenic bacteria to multiply and beneficial bacteria to be damaged. This imbalance can lead to various problems such as bad breath, tooth decay and gingivitis.

Finally, the damage caused by smoking to the gums and tissues can lead to progressive bone loss and tooth mobility in the most severe cases, making extraction operations necessary. Smoking is very harmful even after dental surgery such as tooth extraction or dental implantation because it can compromise and affect the natural healing process, thus prolonging healing times.

Smoking is harmful not only for the teeth, but also for the entire oral cavity
Smoking not only damages the teeth, but also has harmful effects on the entire oral cavity, from the gums to the tongue and oral mucosa. Smoking nicotine stoma as well as gum disease

It can also cause other problems such as titi and oral cancer.

Nicotinic stomatitis, also known as smokers’ palate, is a condition characterized by small, whitish bumps on the oral mucosa caused by inflammation of the salivary glands. This condition is usually painless but can cause a burning sensation or dryness in the mouth.

But the most serious effect of smoking on the oral cavity is the increased risk of oral cancer. Tobacco smoke is full of carcinogenic chemicals that can damage cell DNA and promote cancer development. Oral cancer can affect any part of the oral cavity, including the lips, cheeks, roof of the palate, tongue, and throat. This type of cancer has a high mortality rate to date, mostly because it is discovered in advanced stages.

Smoking can also cause or exacerbate bad breath or xerostomia (dry mouth) problems, conditions that can be embarrassing and negatively affect a person’s quality of life.

Smokers need to go to the dentist more
Precisely because of all these negative effects, smokers tend to need dentistry more than non-smokers; in particular, including:

Professional cleaning sessions, which are carried out more frequently than non-smoker patients, due to the greater accumulation of plaque and tartar caused by smoking;
Gum disease treatments, because smokers are more susceptible to gingivitis
Dental restorations requiring invasive treatments such as dental restorations due to the increased risk of caries and the general damage caused by smoking and, in the most severe cases, tooth extraction and subsequent replacement with implants or dental prostheses;
Treatment of bone atrophy as smoking can interfere with the healing and regeneration process of bone
Given that smoking is, as we have seen, a major risk factor for the development of oral cancer, the treatment of precancerous or cancerous lesions in the mouth .
The best way to maintain oral health is to quit smoking immediately or at least try to minimize this habit. Smoking is not only harmful to the teeth, but also to the health of the whole body.

Proper daily dental hygiene and regular checkups at the dentist will do the rest to keep your teeth healthy. stress, anxiety and bruxism (teeth grinding habit); Having the ability to relax the jaw can therefore be very important for overall health as well as oral health. In this article, we’ll look at different methods and exercises that can help relax your jaw and reduce the inflammation, pain, and discomfort caused by jaw tension.

Jaw anatomy and main disorders
First, it helps to understand what the jaw looks like and what causes jaw tension. The mandible, also known as the lower jaw, is the bone of the skull where the lower dental arch is located, and together with the jaw forms the bony structure of the mouth. It is a special bone because it is the only bone in the skull region that has mobility, and without it we cannot perform daily activities such as eating or talking.

The structure of the jaw is U-shaped; a lower horizontal part called the trunk, corresponding to the jaw, and two lateral and symmetrical vertical branches, called branches, which are connected to the upper part of the skull via the condyle.

As we mentioned before, the jaw is necessary for chewing and phonation functions as it can move back and forth and sideways with symmetrical and asymmetrical movements thanks to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) muscles.

However, these movements can be a source of discomfort and pain that should not be taken lightly because besides affecting jaw function, they can also be a symptom of more serious conditions.

The most common disorders affecting those who have problems with lower jaw movements are:

joint sounds, so-called “clicks” or pops when talking or chewing;
jaw pain, stiffness, or tenderness;
locking the jaw and difficulty opening and closing the mouth;
dental problems such as bruxism, misalignment and malocclusion;
ear pain, ringing in the ears, or impaired hearing;
headache and migraine;
Joint disorders, masticatory muscle disorders, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMD) divided into TMD migraine.
These disorders are most often caused by problems in the alignment of the teeth, grinding of the teeth, arthritis, injuries to the jaw, muscle tension, or dislocation of the jaw joints.

Effective methods of loosening the jaw
There are methods that facilitate the articulatory movement of the involved muscles by relaxing the jaw to relieve pain and reduce the tension caused by these problems. These include chin stretching, muscle relaxation, and improving posture.

chin lift
Stretching exercises aimed at helping reduce pain in its most acute stages can provide almost instant relief. These are very easy exercises that you can practice on your own. Here’s how to do them:

put the tip of the tongue on the palate and open the mouth as much as possible for 5-10 seconds;
close your mouth, look to the right with your eyes without moving your head, and move your chin to the left. Then repeat on the other side;
slowly open your mouth almost to the point of stretching, then close it and slide your chin back and forth 5-10 times;
move the chin back to its maximum, place the tongue on the palate and do the same, leaning forward;
place a thin object between the teeth and then slide the jaw forward so that the object is between the anterior and posterior teeth.
Meditation and muscle relaxation
Many times, some lifestyle changes help reduce the stress that builds up and therefore reduce the stiffness and muscle contractions that cause pain. From this perspective, resorting to meditation or guided relaxation can have positive results. Here are some useful techniques:

Inhale slowly (through diaphragmatic breathing), allowing the stomach and lungs to expand, and then exhale slowly at the same rate;
While sitting or lying in a comfortable position, tense and relax all the muscles of the body, one at a time, from the feet to the head. This is a progressive relaxation exercise that helps develop one’s awareness of one’s body and its tensions.
Posture improvement
All bones of the body are interconnected and therefore the connection between chewing and posture is instantaneous. Improper chewing can cause problems with the entire skeleton and vice versa. He is a professional gnatologist who should be consulted in temporomandibular problems caused by poor chewing, that is, he is a specialist doctor who deals with the entire stomatognathic system, which is the anatomical complex that includes the chewing muscle, skeleton and nerve structures. and phonation.
Invisalign orthodontic treatment is an innovative and patented system for correcting tooth alignment that has enjoyed particular success in recent years; because it allows you to develop your smile progressively and discreetly, both in childhood and at every stage of your life. as an adult.

What is Invisalign orthodontic treatment?
More specifically, Invisalign is an invisible orthodontic treatment that allows you to replace your teeth thanks to a series of clear aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. These are plaques that are worn for at least 22 hours a day, for a period ranging from 12 to 24 months, depending on the problems and needs of individual patients.

Approximately every 15 days, the plates are replaced with the next model created to measure the patient’s teeth to achieve the desired result. Throughout the process, the patient is constantly followed up by a person called the Invisalign provider, who is an expert in these types of treatments, figuring out the right time to replace the aligners and keeping the entire treatment under control.

In what situations is it recommended?
There are many cases that are suitable for Invisalign treatment because Invisalign is a good medicine for adults, children and adolescents alike. It can be used for many of the most common bite setting and tooth straightening problems, including:

deep bite, in which the anterior upper teeth close in front of the lower teeth;
crossbite, which involves misalignment of the upper and lower jaws;
open bite where the middle part of the arches do not meet;
reverse bite, in which the lower teeth stand out compared to the upper teeth;
dental crowding ;
diastema, that is, the presence of additional spaces between the teeth that can cause inflammation of the gums;
Mixed dentition in children during the growth period, during the transition from primary teeth to permanent teeth. In this case, the aim of the treatment is to develop the jaws and arches correctly in order to correct bad habits and thus to prevent the problems we have listed.
Invisalign is also suitable for those with fairly straight teeth who just want to improve their teeth.

5 stages of Invisalign orthodontic treatment
Invisalign orthodontic treatment is divided into five phases:

It starts with the first visit, that is, making an appointment with the clinic where the teeth are evaluated and the most appropriate treatment for the patient’s needs is determined. In fact, each person is unique and the initial interview is crucial to understand which is the ideal choice for an individual case;
then we move on to the case study through a series of examinations: photo shots of the face and mouth from different angles, which allow us to have a clear idea of the characteristics and position of the teeth before treatment; then it is necessary to go through panoramic radiography (OPG) and roentgenographic radiography (TRG) to obtain information about the shape of the dental arches and the teeth located under the gum; a digital dental impression is then taken to obtain a detailed 3D model of the patient’s mouth; At the end, a cephalometric study is performed, which evaluates the anatomical structures of the face, helping to establish the definitive orthodontic project.
Delivery of the Invisalign orthodontic kit is within a few weeks and includes aligners, dentures and

Includes tool to remove , a box for aligners, and instructions.
Periodic checks are then made to evaluate the development of the movement of the teeth during the treatment. Although the frequency of the controls varies according to the cases, it is usually 6-8 weeks.
Finally, there is the retention phase, where the plates are no longer worn but a retainer must be applied, which fixes the new position of the teeth to consolidate the work done with the plates.
Why should it be preferred over conventional devices?
Invisalign differs from conventional braces that are fixed, non-removable and require special care. What’s more, traditional appliances are more irritating and certainly less noticeable, due to metal wires or brackets that can scratch and rub your lips and cheeks. Invisalign, on the other hand, is designed with SmartTrack, a special material that is durable, effective and comfortable.

Many people have and are using it to improve their teeth and smile because it is advanced technology that allows you to achieve important goals in a reasonable amount of time. Their success is due to the fact that they are aesthetically invisible when worn and adapt to the lifestyle of each patient without getting bored during the day. It can be easily removed while eating, drinking and performing daily hygiene procedures.
Dentist anxiety is very common especially in children, but for some people it is a true phobia officially recognized by the World Health Organization. The implementation of some goal-directed actions can help the patient realize the extent of the fear, manage and overcome this unpleasant emotion. Let see how is it going to be.

Odontophobia: What is dental anxiety?
Once the initial shyness is overcome, most people tend to put their fear of the dentist behind them and take care of their oral health without becoming overly concerned. Some patients have a real fear of dental sessions called odontophobia. It is an intense fear of the dentist and anything that reminds one of the professional’s office, such as the noise of a drill or piercing needle.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized dental phobia as a disorder of widespread clinical interest: research on this topic estimates that approximately one in five of the world’s population suffers from dental anxiety! The person suffering from odontophobia may experience typical symptoms of anxiety symptoms such as tachycardia, sweating, feelings of choking or fainting, tremors, or even experiencing real panic attacks. As a result, the patient with dental phobia tends to avoid the dentist in a way that harms their oral health.

How to overcome fear of the dentist
As with all phobias, avoiding the fear object does not help drive it away, but rather magnifies the emotion! So how do you overcome your fear of the dentist? Here are some helpful tips for dealing with and overcoming this unpleasant feeling:

trust a trusted dentist who understands and cares for the patient’s needs;
Allow yourself time (where immediate intervention is not required), schedule a session with the specialist to gradually approach the dominant fear;
To shape it, describe in writing the emotions you feel and express the fears and thoughts that accompany this situation in a more rational way.
One of the best ways to prevent dental anxiety is by getting to know yourself and your dentists and getting to know them from an early age, for example through periodic check-ups from the age of 5. This good practice goes hand in hand with another healthy habit, prevention, which is another effective way to overcome fear of the dentist; as this allows to significantly reduce the susceptibility to invasive interventions that can contribute to feeding the phobia towards the dental world.

As Progetto Sorriso , we welcome our patients who have fear of dentists , by offering a warm environment , a team of expert professionals and trying to establish a trusting relationship with each of them starting from the youngest patients , and help them diligently ! For example, through our program “The Healthy Kids Project”, the specialist, in collaboration with parents, provides the child with all the information on toothbrush prevention, proper use and advice on nutrition. Tooth extraction is a common dental surgery that may be necessary for a variety of reasons, such as advanced caries, infections, orthodontic problems or trauma. ; Before embarking on this intervention, it is natural to ask yourself what the recovery times are after tooth extraction. We will try to answer this question and give you some advice to speed healing and relieve pain.

Tooth extraction: when is it needed and how does it happen?
Tooth extraction, also called avulsion, is a dental operation that involves removing a tooth from the alveolus, that is, the mandibular or maxillary bony cavity. This type of procedure is used when:

We are dealing with a case of misalignment or critical tooth crowding;
these are wisdom teeth, that is, the third molars that emerge from the gums in adulthood and often cause pain or other problems;
If a prosthesis is required and one of the teeth is an obstacle;
A tooth damages tissue or adjacent teeth.
There are two different ways to perform this operation . Simple extraction is done when the tooth is clearly visible and completely outside the gingiva: in this case, the procedure does not take much time and after anesthesia, the dentist continues to extract the tooth with the help of clamps and elevators.

In cases where the tooth is not easily accessible, surgical extraction is performed. This second surgery is more complicated because it requires cutting the gum or, in some cases, dividing the tooth into several pieces.

Recovery times after tooth extraction
Recovery times after a surgical operation are highly subjective, and this also applies to tooth extraction. In fact, there are several factors that can affect the healing process of the extracted gum:

Although difficult to reach, positioning the tooth requires a more complex operation and therefore a higher level of stress for the tissues and the body itself;
the patient’s clinical condition and pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, immunosuppression or autoimmune diseases that may complicate the operation;
The type and complexity of extraction the dentist is planning.
The most common ailments caused by tooth extraction are: gum pain, mild bleeding and swelling; however, these are all cases that tend to disappear within 24/48 hours.

Recovery of the removed area takes longer. It takes 3 to 4 weeks for the hole opened to replace the extracted tooth to completely close. Although bone resorption is slower and takes up to 3 months to complete, it is a natural process where up to 25% thinning and reduction in subgingival bone is caused by the absence of the root of the extracted tooth.

Do’s and don’ts after tooth extraction
It is useful to know that some habits can cause various problems by negatively affecting the post-operative process. Likewise, there are behaviors that can be adopted to improve recovery times and reduce pain after tooth extraction.

The behaviors to be avoided in the days following the operation are as follows:

on the first day it is better not to rinse your mouth or brush the teeth near the extraction site;
liquid diet or soft and cold foods should be consumed for the first 2 days, and the consumption of beverages by straw and chewing gum should be avoided;
it is better to avoid sports or heavy physical activity for the first 2/3 days after removal;
It is recommended not to smoke or drink alcohol for at least 3 days;
It is preferable not to use the irrigator for oral hygiene until fully healed.
Instead, here are some valuable tips to follow to relieve pain and speed up the healing process:

An ice pack, which is better wrapped in a cloth, can be placed on the outside of the chin after the surgery. This can help reduce swelling caused by tissue damage near the extraction site;
In the presence of pain, pain relievers such as ibuprofen can be taken with a doctor’s prescription. On the contrary, salicylate-containing drugs such as Aspirin are not recommended as they may cause excessive bleeding in the wound;
In order to ensure rapid recovery, it is recommended to rest in the days following the surgery, pay attention to sleep with your head elevated, and put a few pillows on yourself to reduce bleeding and swelling in the operation area;
Oral hygiene of the rest of the mouth is essential, the important thing is to brush gently.
It is important to pay attention to oral health in the long term after a short-term recovery in order to prevent future problems. This includes regular dental cleanings and regular dental visits to monitor your oral health and treat potential problems. Dental agenesis (or dental agenesis) indicates the absence, or rather immaturity, of one or more teeth and can affect both primary and permanent teeth in children. In Italy this problem is estimated to affect between 3 and 5% of the population.

The absence of one or more teeth is a condition that should not be taken lightly, as it may lead to disorders in the chewing and phonatory function of the patient, as well as lead to the formation of empty spaces in the dental arch that may adversely affect the appearance of the smile.

What is dental agenesis and what are its causes?
Dental agenesis is one of the so-called “number anomalies” and can be classified according to the number of missing teeth: if the absence relates to less than 6 teeth, we speak of hypodontia; Oligonzia if more than 6 teeth are missing, ablastodontia if all teeth are missing.

Missing teeth may be congenital or acquired. In both cases, the reason is that dental follicles do not form: the shells that house the tooth while it is still under the oral mucosa and are responsible for the regular development of the teeth.

The absence of these follicles can be attributed to several causes: a genetic defect, hormonal imbalance, trauma, infection, severe medical treatment (for example, chemotherapy) or malnutrition.

Consequences of dental agenesis
The teeth most affected are third molars, upper lateral incisors or lower incisors, and the main consequences concern various functions and areas of the patient’s life:

chewing defects that can turn into malocclusion and tooth crowding problems;
phonation, which, if incorrect, affects the pronunciation of words, affecting language skills;
incorrect positioning of the teeth, which complicates oral cleaning and thus facilitates the formation of caries;
Aesthetic factor that plays an important role: The absence of one or more teeth can actually create emotional insecurity in the patient and cause a certain social unrest.
It is important to start with periodic dental checks from an early age in order to detect and correct problems such as agenesis in the developmental age. The Italian Society of Pediatrics and the Ministry of Health recommend a first meeting between the dentist, the child and the parents at the age of 2 to examine the tooth structure and identify any abnormalities that need to be corrected.

Treatments to correct missing teeth
Prevention plays an important role in formulating the early diagnosis of this disorder and therefore determining the most appropriate treatment, which may consist of:

Orthodontic treatment in which a fixed orthodontic apparatus or a clear aligner that realigns the teeth in the oral cavity is used. This method is recommended in the absence of visible teeth such as molars and premolars;
Implant surgery, that is, filling the gaps left due to agenesis by placing screws into the bone, and then applying fixed artificial prostheses. This solution is more suitable where there are no incisors or clearly visible teeth.
At Progetto Sorriso we developed the Healthy Kids Project for childhood prevention: a pathway that begins around the age of 5/6 and accompanies young patients up to age 14, with a program of periodic targeted checkups. Early identification of possible problems and pathologies.

The main purpose of this path that we created together with parents is to create more awareness and educate the whole family on the right habits for the prevention of oral cavity pathologies and disorders. A child who is accustomed to paying attention to oral hygiene from an early age will most likely maintain the right habits into adulthood and thus have healthier teeth.

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